My mother knows how much I LOVE to cook and bake. She gave me this WONDERFUL cookbook that her mother gave HER when she got married. It's simply called "Betty Crocker's cookbook". The recipes are all old school, 50's style cooking and baking. Most of the baking recipes call for Crisco (gasp, it's just scandalous!). I used to be afraid of Crisco and lard and fat and all those wonderful things that make food taste so darn good! No longer am I afraid. I've gone to the dark side and I love it (come join us, we have cookies!). Anyways, I made chocolate chip cookies today from a recipe in the book (I usually use the recipe on the bag of Nestle chips) and they are OUT OF THIS WORLD! Here's the recipe. Note, they do not melt and spread all over the place, but stay in more of a thick rounded shape. They get crispy on the outside, and gooey on the inside (just heavenly!).
Choc. Chip cookies
2/3 cup shortening (I used to be afraid to. Liberate yourself! Use the Crisco!!)
2/3 cup butter (I used salted) softened
1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
3 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp soda
1 tsp salt
1 bag choc. chips (I had Hershey's milk chocolate laying around, so that's what I used)
preheat oven to 357.
Make like you would any other cookie. Mix shortening, butter, vanilla and sugars and eggs together. Add the dry ingredients until well mixed. Add the choc. chips and Walla! You're done. Now I like bigger cookies. I have a cool pampered chef cookie scooper thingy and I always use that. Bake the cookies for 10 minutes.
They are gonna go fast, guaranteed!
My stomach is growling! Thanks for the recipe!